
There has been plenty to worry about over the past year-and-a-half. With the virus, the lockdowns, the economy, and all the illness, it is not surprising that many have placed 401(k) plans and retirement savings on the sidelines until things calm down. While the pandemic is still in the news,… Read More »

Inflation is not something we have had to talk about much over the past few decades. In fact, many of us weren’t even born the last time the Consumer Price Index, or CPI, peaked to levels that shook the economy. Those who were around in the 1970s may remember watching… Read More »

The worst pandemic in a century has left plenty of mayhem to untangle before life can get back to normal. Small businesses are regaining footing amid a worker shortage, prices are rising and supplies of everything from new cars to washing machines are tight. While those are among issues capturing… Read More »

In the financial industry, we sometimes see investors change their priorities, shifting the purpose of their investing to fulfill higher purposes as they seek more fulfillment and happiness in their lives. For many, the main goal behind investing is retirement, the simple act of accumulating the financial resources necessary to… Read More »

With President Biden and Congress looking at a federal tax increase in 2021, this may be the time to consider converting savings from a traditional IRA into a Roth account for tax friendly features that benefit retirees and their families.   Roth IRAs were created by Congress as part of the… Read More »

Millions of people work most of their lives to build the retirement savings they will need to live comfortably after they decide to quit working. In some ways, that’s the easy part. For many, the hard part is managing all the wealth they’ve accumulated. It doesn’t matter whether they’ve saved… Read More »

There are many things in life that we dismiss, not even realizing how much we value them until they are taken away. For a lot of us, the experience of living through a pandemic has demonstrated just how much some of those little things mean to us in our daily… Read More »