Squared Away – 2024 Q1 Review


This week, we sit back down with our CIO, Zac Reynolds, and Investment Analyst, Austin Burks, to review the recently completed first quarter.  We take a look at the economic and market data, and remind investors the importance "time in the market, not timing the market".  If you have any questions, or would like a copy of our recent client market update, just let us know!

Captain’s Corner -Comparing 2020 to 2023


This week, David and Tyler sit down and look back at two previous calendar years, 2023 and 2020, both full of very different headlines, and very different circumstances. At the end of the day there is always going to be some event, headline, or story that will cause any investor to pause. Our goal is to remain disciplined in our approach and walk alongside investors as they focus on their goals and long-term plans. Let us know if there is anything we can do for you!

Interview with Miki Farris, Executive Director of Infant Crisis Services


Miki Farris is the founder and executive director of Infant Crisis Services. Founded in 1984 as a part of a Sunday School project at Westminster Presbyterian Church, Infant Crisis Services has grown into one of OKC's most impactful non-profits.  Armed with their four core values - compassion, kindness, respect and love - ICS is providing families the opportunity to be healthy, productive citizens by ensuring babies in need have access to food, diapers, and other essentials.

Interview with Morgan Housel, Author of the Book Same As Ever(Replay)


Morgan Housel is a partner at The Collaborative Fund and the author of Same As Ever and The Psychology of Money. Morgan has become one of the top thought leaders in the finance and investment world, and we were so grateful for his willingness to sit for a conversation. As discussed in the into, Tyler is joined today by Zac Reynolds, Full Sail CIO, as he helps facilitate the episode. Enjoy!

The one with the Full Sail Capital Staff – Christmas Edition


Merry Christmas and happy holidays from all of us here at Full Sail. We wish each and every one of you a blessed and joyful season. Thank you for following along here on Charting the Course and we look forward to another great year ahead. If you ever want more information about the who, what or why, be sure to visit fullsailcapital.com

Interview with Cheri Weaver, Executive Director at Wings


As we wrap up the year, there is no better way than to have one of the final episodes highlight another local non-profit. Today, we sit down with Cheri Weaver, executive director at Wings, and hear all about their mission, vision and passion for their members. As stated, their mission is to enhance the lives of adults with developmental disabilities through social, vocational and residential programs guided by principles of the Bible. We highly encourage you to visit their website to learn more about how you can get involved.

Medicare 101 with Vanguard’s Julia Fuentes


We are honored to be joined by Medicare expert, Julia Fuentes, with Vanguard's financial advisor services. As a financial planning and coaching strategist, she has become an expert in the Medicare world and was kind enough to jump on the phone to visit with us about the details of this evolving marketplace.
Below are a few items provided by Vanguard that elaborate on a couple topics we discussed:

Understanding Medicare Choices
Making Sense of Medicare's Parts

40 years of Changes – Part 2


This week we continue our conversation with Mr. George Cohlmia as we look back over his 40 years of industry experience. There are many changes that have confronted investors over the past few decades, so we sat down to discuss ten of the more impactful ones. Today, we look at the remaining five - Financial Crises, ESG Investing, Passive Investing, Regulatory Changes, and Demographics. Enjoy!